When you talk about people?


New member
Does somthing bad happen 2 you after you talk about them?

2 days ago me and my friend were talking about this girl and how she is got pimples in her face jerah and yestrday out of no where i got one in my face its so annoying, everytime i talk about someone or lie i always get something bad happen LOL

i always try not talk about people or make fun but somtimes you just cant and i know i would get it back  :imsorry:
Yes, I believe in this 100%. So much so, I am afraid to say anything anymore haha. Not even about talking about people. But even things related to myself. For example, I can't even say "I love my job" because next thing you know, I will be laid off lol. So I have to say things carefully.

Some call it 'karma', and others call it 'mkhaya b'ena' , but at the end, it is the same thing.

I wonder how ugly you look now?

'what comes around goes around' Yeah it happens to me so i try to watch what i say =P

But sometimes it works in a good way, i do a good deed then in the same day something good comes back my way, coincidence or something more? who knows but it happens haha
Relating to what Aturaya said, it also works in the opposite way sometimes. For example, if I can keep talking or thinking about how bad my job is, how unlucky I am, all of a sudden, you see my job getting better and my luck being more on my side.

ASHOOR said:
And who were you talking about? You said from AVN, but who exactly?


I never said anything about AVN, but the person i was talking to was from AVN but the person we talked about wasnt AVNER :welcome3:
Anitaaaaaaaaaa said:
I never said anything about AVN, but the person i was talking to was from AVN but the person we talked about wasnt AVNER :welcome3:


I was talking about Ashoor and last night a saw a nightmare  :) lol iam joking about taking about him but i saw kinda nightmare  and it was about him :p not nightmare nightmare but something pissed me off , so i jfily and woke up :beee:
That's why you say it to their face instead. Making them miserable should make you happy... :mrgreen:

Wait, what was the question?

I believe that if you talk about someone in a bad way it will get back right back at ya so you learn your lesson

so Anita i hope you learn ur lesson sister  :razz:
I don?t think I?ve ever felt like I experienced something bad directly as a result of having talked negatively about someone behind their back. For me, it has more to do with feeling internally rotten & low when I get involved in such stuff, & I don?t necessarily even have to have directly contributed to the gossip to feel this way.
LOL you deserve it! that's what you get for talking about people hehe.

Nothing like that happens to me but I do feel bad if I say something bad about someone, I don't usually do that unless they have done something to hurt me or say something bad about me...even then I feel bad :(
GodIsGoodAllTheTime said:
I bet ppl on AVN talk sh*t about me as I all ready notice........ :blink:

ehdana hamzimekh leshana it aturaya yani ewikh hamzumeh basoukh, ena ana in hamizimen basoukh hamzimen gu patokh
:giggle: not me *knock on wood*

i talk sh*t about my EX manager all the time (she got kicked out of our store for being an idiot)