Happy Birthday Eddie Yousif


New member

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Happy Birthday Eddie, i wish you nothing but the best, may all you dreams and wishes come true and GOD BLES YOU :bigarmhug:
:artist: :artist: :artist: :artist: :artist:

Hope you have a great day and many more to come.  :)
Happy birthday!  Had I known I would have created a bio for you too.  I see...a former Buddhist monk from Tibet who was exiled by China...worked as a shoeshiner to make his way back to Australia....after years spent in Southern Thailand selling heroin to American tourists....lost all his money betting that Kerry would win the US Presidency in 2004.  :mrgreen:

:artist: :artist: :artist: :artist: :artist: Eddie qasha wana be  :mrgreen:  :artist: :artist: :artist:  :bigarmhug:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HAVE A GREAT ONE!!  :yourock: :artist: :artist: :artist: :artist: :wavetowel: :clap: :wavetowel: :artist: :bigarmhug: :bigarmhug: :artist:
:artist:, hope all your birthday wishes come true  :)

                                                                                  God Bless :2hearts:
Lek happy birthday yaba, you are in a whole different world now haha ;)

Wish you all the best, wonder how it feels to be in your thirties, will experience it in 3 years from now.

eddie Yousif said:
Believe it or not, I had studied Buddism for years and at some stage i thought about being a Monk hahaha, but the Freaky part is that My Great family ( from Grandfather to his dad and uncles) Were Actually  Shoe Makers and Cleaners. thats why they gave us the Name title " Al-Dabbagh" which in arabic means " Shoe Makers & Cleaners "  :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

NO WAY!!! thats what al-dabbagh means?? HAHAHAH THANK UU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now i have ammo against some maslawi friends that make fun of me cuz i'm assyrian (its all out of love though lol)


eddie Yousif said:
well what can i say, There is always some sort of a Truth that comes out of your mouth, even when your joking  :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Believe it or not, I had studied Buddism for years and at some stage i thought about being a Monk hahaha, but the Freaky part is that My Great family ( from Grandfather to his dad and uncles) Were Actually  Shoe Makers and Cleaners. thats why they gave us the Name title " Al-Dabbagh" which in arabic means " Shoe Makers & Cleaners "  :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Thank u Darling for the BD wishes  :2hearts: :2hearts:


Oh that is tooooooo good.
eddie Yousif said:
Thank u um Jahali & thank you for your nice Gift ( Brand new Na3al abu al Asbo3 )  :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Born in the same month? la3ad next year, we will celebrate it together  :razz: :razz:

Hahahha *n3al a7mr abol asbo3, size 50 aboul fyonka* lmaoo

Ya lol i was born 1 youma after saddam , Ay qotma ! lool ya we will do it together with our 12 kids :razz:
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may God bless u with many many many manyyy more happy and healthy birthdays
