Chai, the love of my life.

How do you like your tea

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I am not sure if it's because i'm Assyrian, but i find myself drinking 3,4 even 5 cups of tea a day.
I love tea, most ardently and often when my dad sees me drinking tea he says "imma(hundred) go imma soretet"
This appreciation I have towards tea increases by the day.  :jumpy: I think when I become and 'sota' (preferably not spista) people will know me as "ekha abu chai"  :whaa:

Just wanted to know if there were any other tea fanatics beside myself.  :)


I only drink black tea anyways i do drink white tea but once in 7 years  :giggle:
Anitaaaaaaaaaa said:

I only drink black tea anyways i do drink white tea but once in 7 years  :giggle:


I drink tea 6 times a day..sometimes more when my co-workers go out to timmys they always break me back one. I drink mine with 1 sugar.  I hate milk..i never drink milk  :ban:
cuttie said:
I drink tea 6 times a day..sometimes more when my co-workers go out to timmys they always break me back one. I drink mine with 1 sugar.  I hate milk..i never drink milk  :ban:

WoooHoooo  :bigarmhug: :bigarmhug: ME 2 i hate milk
atourina said:
i drink it with 2 milk, 3 sugars  :blush2:

but lately, ive been drinking more coffee

you've been having coffee lately?.. :whaa:  you cut me real deep atourina, real deep.  If feels like you've had an affair and have only now decided to tell me.  :whip:

And the rest of milk in your tea!  :russianroulette:  thats okay atleast you drink tea  :)                                                  *turns and gives atourina a "how could you!" look.
Lovemoon said:
am I the only one that dosn't drink tea. I don't even know how it taste  :blush2: ?

Lovemoon! say it isnt so!   

If i met you, i'd get you hooked on tea, pkhela i'd make you drink it.

whats happening to this world!!
I rarely drink team but I have recently had a few green teas.  Really good for your metabolism, whereas normal tea or coffee contains too much caffeine.
i love tea, i drink alot throughout the day....its so yummy :2hearts:...especially after ur done eating drinkin a cup rite now :blush2:
FallenAngel said:
i love tea, i drink alot throughout the day....its so yummy :2hearts:...especially after ur done eating drinkin a cup rite now :blush2:

thatta girl fallen!  :wavetowel:

I'm drinking tea at the moment. "holds up cup, looks at tea affectionately, then takes a sip" mmm

While we are on this topic? HOw do you make your tea? I usually boil the war than add a bag of tea and shut it off right away. Supposedly and I don't know if this is true....tea is supposed to realease the goodies at different temperatures...

I usually take my tea with 3 sugars....
i love chai i have about 3 cups in a day but im bf omg he drinks soo much chai and coffee.

One day i was like how much does he drink he has 6 cups but when he does arguleh its 10 cups.
BrOwN eYeS said:
wow valllllllllll ur crazy, if i want coffee i drink 1 cup only. and tea everyday at work, and hot choclate :)
Whenever you come over my place, coffee is always ready ...

valantina without coffee is like a fish out of water! lol.
khas said:
I am not sure if it's because i'm Assyrian, but i find myself drinking 3,4 even 5 cups of tea a day.
I love tea, most ardently and often when my dad sees me drinking tea he says "imma(hundred) go imma soretet"
This appreciation I have towards tea increases by the day.  :jumpy: I think when I become and 'sota' (preferably not spista) people will know me as "ekha abu chai"   :whaa:

Just wanted to know if there were any other tea fanatics beside myself.  :)

I actually used to drink ALOT of chai in 1 day, but not as much now..I like my chai with coffee creamer and sugar :2hearts: