Moshi Gorial |
Album: 2006 |
Genre | Song Name | Play |
O | Asquyati | |
K | Quato Saora | |
S | Slow | |
M | Kalo o Khitna | |
K | Noora d Khoobakh | |
K | Letly Shoq Menakh | |
K | Ninos | |
K | Ega Dragda | |
B | O Kolakh |
Song Genres |
K = Khiga |
B =Bellati |
S = Slow |
N = National |
E = Eastern Dance |
W = Western |
M = Marriage | O = Other | R = Religious |
Last updated: -New singer added: 2010 and 2012 from Rama Younan -Linda George 2010: "Pearls Of The East, Hymns & Chants" -Music section has been redesigned to make it easier for you to find things