History of the Assyrians. Who are the Assyrians?

  1. The Assyrians are an ancient civilization dating back to the 25th century BCE in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey.
  2. Known for their contributions, the Assyrians developed cuneiform, one of the world's first written languages, documenting laws, religion, and history.
  3. The Assyrian Empire reached its peak during the 9th to 7th centuries BCE, with Nineveh as its capital, showcasing military prowess and innovative warfare.
  4. Despite success, the Assyrian Empire fell in 612 BCE to Babylonians and Medes, leading to dispersion and migration of Assyrian communities.
  5. Today, Assyrians maintain their cultural identity, language (Assyrian Neo-Aramaic), and traditions globally, facing challenges but exhibiting resilience.