Assyria, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Syria on one of the most magnificient and accurate map of the XV's century:
Frau Mauro's map (1450).
About this map (
From Wikipedia):
The map is very large - the full frame measures 2,4 by 2,4 meters. This makes Fra Mauro's mappa mundi the world?s largest extant map from early modern Europe.
The main circular map of the world is surrounded by four smaller spheres:
The top left sphere is a cosmological diagram - a map of the solar system according to the Ptolemaic system.
The top right is a diagram of the four elements - earth is followed by water, fire and air.
The bottom left is an illustration of the Garden of Eden. Significantly, Fra Mauro took the step of placing the Garden of Eden outside the world, rather than in its traditional place in the extreme east.
The bottom right depicts the Earth as a globe. It shows the North pole, the South pole as well as the Equator and the two tropics.
the Fra Mauro map had an accuracy of about 86-92% of the real value when it comes to the circumference of the earth.
The sources for the map was existing maps, charts and manuscripts which were combined with written and oral accounts of travelers. The text on the map mentions many of these travel accounts.
Note that we Assyrians also drew some map, listing our historical cities:
Syriac Map of the 15 century
Note also that both this map and Frau Mauro's map place the south at the top.