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    Assyrian Words We Are Unsure Of...

    Can there be a thread dedicated to asking about words that we're unsure of? If so, here are a couple: butterfly=perkhileylee bathroom=hummam/ayikhyola stove=stob,beshilenta kitchen=mudbugh/kitchen I'm pretty sure hummam and mudbugh are from Turkish. Stob and kitchen from English lol...
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    Assyrian EDM and Modernization

    I know it's hard, us being a diaspora population and all, but why do we have such a limited variety of modern Assyrian music? I have yet to find any EDM and only a few pop and rap songs. The only pop I've found so far is Flora Simon and the only rap being Daniel Dinler. I don't mean Assyrians...
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    Assyrian arrested in Iran I don't get why Muslims cant leave people alone. Luckily, the Islamic government in Iran has made the country very irreligious, and thus Atheism and...
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    Supporting Iraq and why it's wrong.

    It's not hard to not identify as something, unless it revolves around your physical appearance. You can easily, and I mean very easily, not identify with Iraq. You want to know how I know this? Because everyone who I've gotten to know enough or if they were just inquisitive about what I was, I...
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    To Our Countries What are your opinions on these Assyrians and their message?
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    Isabelle Ishtar

    I don't know much about her, but Isabelle Ishtar, like Madlen Ishoeva, reflects more of our cultural hybridity, and the flourishing and beautiful diversification of our culture. A process that hasn't been able to happen in the Middle East for centuries now...
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    Madlen Ishoeva

    I generally do not like most Assyrian music because it now sounds too much like Kurdish and Arabic in rhythmic tones. I stumbled upon Madlen Ishoeva(Russian Assyrian) while trying to find some decent music. I was quite surprised in how beautiful her music was. Here's a link to one of her...